Video Highlights Productivity-Enhancing Benefits of Wheel Aligner
The recently introduced video highlighting the advantages of the award-winning Hofmann® geoliner® 609 wheel alignment system is now available in five languages.
In addition to English, the Hofmann geoliner video has been translated into French, German, Italian and Spanish. The latest innovation in advanced imaging alignment, the geoliner 609 integrates the same system features of the Hofmann advanced 3D imaging alignment core system within a compact, economical design.
“Hofmann is a global brand, and we knew it was important that our customers be able to view this informative and educational video in a variety of languages,” said Jordan Krebs, product manager for Hofmann. “The video highlights the versatility and efficiency of the geoliner 609 and demonstrates how shops can benefit by adding this in-house solution for alignment services.”
The new video offers an in-depth look at the Hofmann geoliner 609 and an overview of how shops can incorporate it into their alignment business. The geoliner 609 takes up minimal space in the shop, arrives pre-assembled and can be installed by one person. A technician can control it from anywhere in the shop with a tablet, and the beam rotates vertically for added mobility and easy storage.