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monty® 4250
Truck Tyre Changer
With its rugged design, the innovative monty® 4250 tyre changer from Hofmann® stands out as a highly productive tool for managing heavy-duty wheels, including truck, bus, agricultural vehicle and earthmover tyres. Facilitated by a specialized remote control, a single technician can efficiently and safely oversee all tyre-changing operations remotely, enhancing proficiency and the ability to service tyres and OTR wheel assemblies up to 92.5 inches in maximum diameter -- clamping wheels of 32 inches diameter, or 56 inches with optional extensions.The application of a two-speed, self-centering, four-jaw, hydraulically-operated chuck ensures a firm and authoritative grip on the wheels, and with a comprehensive bead breaker and mount/demount head assembly, even the toughest tyres are no match for this machine. The monty® 4250 tyre changer from Hofmann® is the pinnacle of productivity, safety and precision for heavy-duty service.